1. Introduction
Considerable time and resources have been invested into the drafting of
the Nine-Year Schooling (NYS) project. This
reform, like most others, may be far from perfect. However, this is not the time to go into the
flaws of the reform but to focus on what is required to move successfully
forward. This article argues that leadership
development at all levels of the system is a pre-requisite if we are to ensure
its effective implementation and thus an optimum return on our investment.
The reform measures underlying the project may be categorized under two
main headings: (a) structure and administration and (b) teaching and learning. The first category is one which the
bureaucracy will not find it too difficult to implement with the necessary
tweaks here and there. The second one is
the more challenging. It concerns mainly
the six pillars listed in the reform document, Inspiring Every Child (IEC), available on the website of the
Ministry of Education:
, namely, Curricular Change, Innovative Pedagogies, Assessment, Continuous
Professional Development, Learning Environment, System Governance and
Accountability. As emphasized in the document,
“there are six driving forces that are essential to the emergence of a better
learning system” (IEC p.9).
2. Technical problems vs. Adaptive Challenges
It may be argued that if only the structural and administrative changes
are implemented while all the six pillars are not fully in place, the key
objectives of reform (IEC p.8) would not be achieved.
Harvard Professor Ronald Heifetz points out that problems lie on a
spectrum with at one extreme purely technical problems and at the other
predominantly adaptive challenges. Technical
problems (e.g., a fused bulb, a crashed server or a fractured arm) simply
require finding the ‘expert’ who will provide the appropriate technical
fix. Adaptive challenges (e.g.,
implementing innovative pedagogies, drug addiction, or a severe heart
condition), on the other hand, have no simple ‘solution’, nor is there a known
expert who will supply a quick fix.
Adaptive challenges, require a change in mindset and sometimes even a
change in lifestyle; they require the willing participation of all the relevant
stakeholders, a relationship of trust, new learning and effective leadership.
Readers will appreciate that the six pillars (IEC p.9) lie closer to the
adaptive end of the continuum while the structural and administrative changes would
be technical issues for which there are already known solutions.
The leadership being referred to above is not necessarily linked to a
superior hierarchical post or a position of power and authority. It is more the capacity to mobilize,
influence, inspire others to willingly want to change, to move in a given
direction, to learn, in spite of the immediate discomfort or risks of
failure. This leadership is a relational and
situational process based on trust and is fundamentally values-driven. It is
essentially mindful and authentic. It is
clear that the implementation of the six pillars will require effective
leadership rather than mere rule enforcement and a command-and-control
Effective leadership is a pre-requisite at all levels of the education system (from Ministry officials to
inspectors, from Zone directors to school heads, teachers and students) if the
relevant stakeholders are to implement the required curricular changes, adopt
innovative pedagogies, practice meaningful assessments, feel empowered and
voluntarily enrol and grow through continuous professional development
programs, create appropriate learning environments and feel accountable for the
results. In such situations, a command
and control approach is of limited use.
As the saying goes, you can take a horse to the pond, but you can't make him drink. Leadership is critical when change is the
order of the day. A ship safely anchored
in the harbour can do without a captain, not one which is on the move to a
distant destination beyond the horizon.
This leadership is made up of a series of concrete, observable and learnable practices and
behaviours. Kouzes and Posner have been
researching since the 1980’s what people did when they were at their personal
best in leading others. After analysing
thousands of these leadership experiences, they found that regardless of times
or setting, when extraordinary things happen in organizations, leaders engage
in what they call ‘The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership’: they model the way, inspire a shared vision,
challenge the process, enable others to act and encourage the heart.
Kouzes and Posner’s book – ‘The
Leadership Challenge’ is now in its 6th edition and has been
translated in many languages. It is
worth noting that Kouzes and Posner’s exemplary leadership approach is an
extension of James McGregor Burns’ transformational leadership which involves ‘leaders
and their followers raising one another to higher levels of morality and
motivation’. This is also related to the notion of
educational leadership which Wikipedia defines as ‘the process of enlisting and
guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils, and parents toward
achieving common educational aims’.
Finally, this leadership is one which can be taught and learned and is ideally measured using a 3600
assessment tool involving all relevant stakeholders.
As pointed out above, leadership is not necessarily attached to positions
of power and authority. For the reforms
to succeed different stakeholders have to feel empowered and to exercise
leadership. In fact, effective teaching
involves a high degree of transformational leadership – this has been discussed
at length in an article entitled Teaching as an Act of Leadership published in
It is only in these conditions that innovative pedagogies will emerge and
that school heads, teachers, parents and learners will feel empowered and
accountable. This will result in a
situation where ‘Teaching strategies will shift from the directive to
learner-centered ones, such that learners get to be engaged in the learning
process, become self-directed and autonomous’ (IEC p.11). As Parker
J. Palmer puts it: “We teach who we are”.
Good teaching comes from the integrity and identity of the teacher, not
just from methods and techniques. This
requires mindfulness and self-leadership.
It is this approach to teaching that would address not only the
cognitive but also the affective needs of the learner.
is interesting to note that it is the intention of the policy makers to promote
continuous professional development with a view to ‘strengthening of the
leadership capacity of Heads of Schools such that they can become more
effective instructional and transformational leaders’ (IEC p.25). This article goes a step further by
positioning leadership as a sine qua non condition for the successful
implementation of the reforms and makes a case for leadership development at
different levels of the education system - from the policy makers down to the
students. After all, the leadership
style of the heads of schools will be impacted by the leadership that is
exercised by those above and below.
Published in Le Mauricien on July 13, 2017
Pour avoir travaillé sur le NYS et aussi le NCF et Teaching and Learning Syllabus, je trouve cet article très éclairant sur les défis à relever. Je trouve particulièrement intéressant la partie 'Teaching as an act of leadership' et je pense qu'on devrait aussi réfléchir à 'Training teachers to become leaders'. Qu'en pensez-vous? Daniella
ReplyDeleteI fully agree. In fact, I have already offered my services as a facilitator of Leadership Development Workshops.