Thursday, December 16, 2010

Eradication of Absolute Poverty - An out-of-the box approach

1. Introduction

Most readers would agree that eradication of absolute poverty (EAP) is no easy task for various reasons. These would include inter alia factors inherent in the concerned individuals

1.1. unreliable data on who the individuals concerned are, because some of those in the EAP database do not belong to the absolute poor category

The Mauritian Attitude to Work

1. Introduction

1.1. There is considerable talk these days about the need for Mauritians to work harder so as to get the country out of the morass in which it finds itself. This article posits the view that while other factors – e.g., foreign direct investment - are important , we need to seriously re-visit our attitude to work if we aspire for a better future for the coming generations.

“Star schools”: Myth or reality?

During the last few days, one has heard a number of persons pontificating the need for “star schools”. These have even been described by some as “centres of excellence”. While listening to them one wonders whether most of them know what they are talking about or whether some have even set foot in one of them. As a former Royal College Curepipe student and teacher who has also worked as a Research Officer at the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate, I can legitimately claim that I know something about these institutions.

The Scourge is the Laureate system and not the CPE

The laureate system has become a sacred ritual practised in the shrine of the Royal College by generations, and any attempt to lay profane hands on this custom is bitterly resented.

How to make the zoning system work both at primary and secondary levels?

• Introduce regional merit list and an admission quota system

• Abolish national merit lists at primary & secondary levels

• Abolish the laureate system at HSC level

• Give the University of Mauritius the role it deserves

How to blast the myth concerning “five-star” schools?


This article suggests one possible way to blast the myth concerning “five-star” schools and analyses the possible advantages of this measure. At the same time, it proposes some revolutionary changes in our educational system which are easy to implement.


2.1. The national merit lists at CPE should be replaced say in six years’ time by two lists consisting of the first five boys and the first five girls respectively in every primary school in alphabetical order.